Novart trusts a flexible and solution-oriented partner at construction sites

Finland’s biggest furniture manufacturer Novart uses Transval as a partner in construction logistics. We take care of their intermediate storage and construction site logistics and help ensure that customers’ growing needs are met.

The cooperation between Novart and Transval started approximately two years ago, when Novart was looking for a logistics partner to match their needs. What mattered to them was increasing their growth and making sure there were enough employees at work every day.

Over time our cooperation has expanded and Novart has started using Transval’s intermediate storage facilities. They use warehouses in Espoo and Tampere, and we manage deliveries from them to construction sites.

”Great development in our everyday work”

Intermediate storage gives Novart the freedom to plan deliveries across the country according to construction schedules. We store, deliver, and carry in products in a supervised and safe way.

Novart’s production and logistics coordinator Henri Himanen says that the cooperation with Transval has recently developed significantly. “In the last six months there’s been great development in our everyday work. Novart and Transval are both solution-oriented companies, which has made a big difference in our cooperation. When something happens, we go straight to thinking how we could handle it better next time,” Himanen says.

Communication and work safety are important themes 

Close communication is at the heart of our cooperation. We have weekly meetings with Novart where we go through current topics. We stay in touch outside of them, as well, and Himanen appreciates swift updates about when carrying in products starts or possible challenges.

Work safety is an important part of our daily work, and we put a lot of emphasis on it. We go through our cooperation from work safety’s perspective every month or more often, if needed. We follow joint ways of working and complete site inspections before we start carrying in products.

Our journey together continues

In the future, Novart hopes that our tight cooperation will continue so the company can respond to their customers’ growing needs. Many now want full service, from carrying in products to installing them, which increases the need for a holistic logistics partner.

“In the future, I’m hoping that our work together continues in a similar manner. We bring up matters and look for solutions as soon as we face them. Working with Transval has always been good. When the people are great, you can trust that issues get solved,” Himanen says.

”Intermediate storage has given us the freedom to plan our deliveries, and a logistics partner brings efficiency into our work at construction sites. Working with Transval has been great and things are handled swiftly. Our cooperation is constantly developing, and our shared work keeps getting better,” Himanen sums up the benefits of the cooperation.

 “Our cooperation with Novart has gone well and deepened over time. It’s great that together with our parent company Posti we can be a holistic logistics partner and support Novart’s success in the entire delivery chain. We are constantly developing our joint work in tight collaboration," says Juho Lappalainen, who manages the Construction Logistics service at Transval.

Customer interview Novart Oy

In the video Henri Himanen tells about the benefits of our cooperation in construction logistics (video in Finnish only) 


Interested in our construction logistics services? Read more and contact us! 

Juho Lappalainen
Construction logistics
+358 40 578 0106

Miika Tiri
Sales, Construction logistics
+358 40 523 2315