

Internationally and locally recognized sustainability work – with the aim of achieving zero emissions by 2030 

Sustainability is a key component of our strategy, values and commitments. For us, sustainability is part of day-to-day work, management and risk management. Decision-making takes into account not only financial factors, but also the social and environmental impacts of operations.


We are committed to the fundamental principles of the UN Global Compact initiative with regard to labor, the environment, anti-corruption and human rights. In addition, we are committed to observing human rights in our own operations and in our subcontractors supply chain in accordance with the UN principles pertaining to businesses and human rights. As part of Posti, we have also issued a social sustainability commitment of our own as part of Finland's national objectives related to the implementation of the UN Agenda 2030. We are also committed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

Information on our current sustainability program is available in our latest Sustainability Report.  Learn more on our parent company Posti’s sustainability website and read Posti's latest sustainability report

ecovadis platinum 2022

Toward zero emissions – Zero Carbon 2030

Our ambitious goal with our parent company Posti is to completely eliminate our emissions by 2030. In addition to minimizing our footprint, we want to put our competencies to use to make things better. Read more about Posti Group’s Zero Carbon program.

Making progress on the path to zero emissions requires a lot of concrete action. Our Sipoo warehouse is an example of this: Energy efficiency and CO2 emissions were taken into account already in the building’s material choices: green energy solutions, such as geothermal solutions, solar energy and smart building technology that controls and optimizes heating and ventilation. 

Together with customers and partners: We have been Paulig’s logistics partner at its Vuosaari coffee roastery since 2014. You could say that all of Paulig’s coffee beans pass through our responsible hands. Now, once again, we had the opportunity to make a sustainable decision with concrete and measurable effects. That means 51 tonnes less greenhouse gas emissions per year.


People and society

Work also for those at risk of exclusion

The well-being of personnel and customers plays a key role in our ability to continue to bear our responsibility in the future. We are, for example, taking part in the cooperation program “Nuoret työelämään” (Youth into working life) organized by the Deaconess Foundation’s Vamos youth service and Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company. Our common goal is to offer jobs to young people. At Transval, the young people from Vamos do exactly the same work as other employees. They shelve food products and pick online store orders at our warehouses, for example.

Company and everyday assistance for the elderly

In November 2021, we started a one-year cooperation with Gubbe Oy, a provider of non-medical elderly care services. With our cooperation, young people are offered a part-time job for a year at Gubbe, in a position they find meaningful. The young people act as Gubbe Friends of the lonely and low-income elderly and visit them on a weekly basis. The elderly, on the other hand, get help with everyday tasks, company for going outdoors, someone to chat with or someone who is present and listens.

Involved in the circular economy: Discontinued products donated to those in need 

We offer a free “From waste to charity” service to all our customers who have entrusted the warehousing of their products with us. We collect the products selected by our customers at our warehouses free of charge and deliver them free of charge to selected and validated charitable organizations in Finland. 

Together with our customers, we have already donated, for example, new sports clothing and food to low-income families with children in Finland through Hope ry and pet food to animal welfare societies. At Easter 2022, we teamed up with a customer to donate 100 Easter eggs to low-income families through Hope ry, which were left over from the sales racks filled at our warehouse.

We expect sustainability from ourselves and our suppliers

Our values and sustainability principles take concrete form in our Code of Conduct, which sets out the appropriate procedures for various situations. All our employees must always comply with all applicable laws and provisions as well as official regulations and instructions in all operations. In addition, all our employees are required to follow the ethical guidelines outlined in our Code of Conduct, which determines the standards of behavior, responsibilities and obligations that concern every employee.

Our subcontractors and suppliers are required to observe the same procedures and principles, and they are documented in more detail in the Supplier Code of Conduct, which applies to all suppliers without exception.

We also maintain a system for reporting activities that are illegal or in breach of the Code of Conduct. You can use our anonymous feedback form to submit questions about our Code of Conduct for employees or report any suspicions of activities that are in breach of the law, the orders issued by the public authorities or our Code of Conduct.

Policies and instructions

At Transval, our sustainability principles define our way of working with different stakeholders. The sustainability principles concern all employees of the Group. 

We follow our parent company Posti’s operating instructions, which are in accordance with the sustainability principles and concern all employees and group companies, such as the basics of data protection (GDPR) and the Code of Conduct. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to guide us all in complying with laws and regulations and following rules on ethics and truthfulness. Training in these operating instructions is completed at the beginning of the employment relationship and is primarily arranged online. 

Transval’s suppliers, other partners and their subcontractors are expected to adhere to Posti’s Supplier Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct includes principles that outline sustainability and permits a possible inspection visit to the supplier. Transval also adheres to Posti’s anti-corruption policy.
