
Construction logistics

The construction logistics service offering brings cost savings and efficiency to construction sites

We now also offer services in construction logistics, i.e. the timely delivery of materials to the right place at the construction site. We have the most comprehensive range of services on the market: in addition to managing the in-house logistics of the construction site, we can provide companies with transport-related services, warehousing and temporary staffing. Our vision is to become the most sought-after logistics partner in the construction sector


In addition to transport and warehousing, our tailor-made construction logistics service portfolio includes on-site logistics services, such as: 
•    Logistics planning of the construction site 
•    Timely moving of materials within the site
•    Timely ordering of materials from the warehouse
•    Leasing of logistics professionals (including tower crane signalers and slingers) 
•    Logistics supervision
•    Protection (e.g. passageways, finished surfaces and dust protection)
•    Site cleaning, clearing and waste sorting 
•    Occupational safety services (HSE)
•    Remote site surveillance

Efficiency in material flow management and safety on site 

By outsourcing material flow management and construction site logistics, we create an opportunity for construction companies to move from the world of fixed facility and personnel costs to flexible service contracts, where costs are mainly determined on an accrual basis. 

With our services, we respond to the daily challenges faced by construction companies. Warehousing excess material at relatively cramped construction sites with plenty of traffic hinders the efficient implementation of ongoing work phases, such as installation work. Construction site professionals often work in confined spaces, which can undermine occupational safety and quality. It is, therefore, advisable to store excess materials in a separate warehouse, from which the material is delivered to the right place at the construction site in a timely manner.

Operations are streamlined through the elimination of delivery delays, waiting times and the need to move material around at the site. When we handle the planning and coordination of logistics and the transport of goods all the way to the site, the working time of site management and professional builders can be spent on the actual construction work. In addition, the materials are not exposed to varying weather conditions, the amount of waste is reduced and space is freed up, particularly at the construction site, which allows for a safer way of working. 

“We’ve been building a productivity leap in the industrial sector with our in-house logistics competence for a couple of decades and have achieved average cost savings of 10–30% for our industrial customers through the optimization of material flows, streamlining of material logistics and continuous improvement of operations. We’re harnessing this competence for the construction industry because we believe that efficient construction site logistics improves productive work in the sector and results in cost savings of 10% on average. Let’s build the future productivity leap in the construction industry together!"

Expertise in industrial for the construction sector

We now offer construction companies our best practices and decades of expertise. Modern technology makes our daily operations more efficient. Through our integrated digital system that covers the entire supply chain, construction sites can conveniently take care of, for example, inventory control, acknowledgements, timestamps and job booking as well as order additional services as needed. We employ about 100 Lean Six Sigma-certified specialists, whose skills are being put to use in hundreds of customer environments.

As a pioneer in logistics since 1994, we now bring this expertise to the construction sector. Join us in making a productivity leap in the construction industry!

Contact us if you want to improve the efficiency of your construction business!

More than 600 large and industry-leading companies in Finland entrust their production or a part of it to us. Learn more and choose us as your logistics partner!


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