Sales and major accounts: Outsourced warehousing services and transport solutions

Outsourced warehousing services and transport solutions for large industrial companies.

Sales and major accounts: In-house logistics

In-house logistics solutions for large industrial companies for warehouses, terminals, production facilities, logistics centers, factories and ports.

Sales & customerships

In-house logistics solutions for warehouses, terminals, production facilities, logistics centers, factories, ports and industrial needs. Outsourced warehousing services, staffing, store logistics and construction logistics.

Recording telephone calls and messages

Suomen Transval Group Oy records phone calls and messages for the purpose of verifying their contents. Transval uses recordings only to ensure the rights and legal protection of customers and Transval itself. Recordings may also be used for in-house personnel training purposes in order to enhance customer service and quality. Transval does not use recordings for any other purposes and does not distribute them to parties outside Suomen Transval Group or the owner of the company, Posti Group Oyj, unless required by law.