The right competence at the right time
Volume management, peak seasons and changing everyday situations require fast and flexible resourcing capabilities. Temporary staffing enables the scalability of operations and competence in fluctuating economic cycles and evens out the everyday workload of in-house personnel. When properly planned, temporary staffing or employee pooling saves costs and provides the necessary flexibility, whether the need is to even out holiday and peak times or for longer periods of time. You can lease competent employees with flexible pricing for a fixed term, for an indefinite period, for a temporary job or two or for a longer period of time..
Logistics professionals do not grow on trees, so you should lease the competence from a company specializing in the field!
“We have long experience - already from the year 1994 - in logistics, improving its efficiency and implementing outsourcing solutions. Our personnel play the lead role in this. It matters what kind of competence we have and how and with what tools we do our work. And what matters most is that the employee is motivated, appreciated and enjoys their work.”
Thanks to our experience, we understand the customer’s needs and know the jobs in the field as well as the appropriate candidate profiles. Continuous development of both operations and ourselves is one of our key mottos – we share the best practices in the industry with all our employees.
Customer's perspective: Flexibility and focus on own core business
“We have Transval employees working in warehouses. It makes more sense to let them arrange the employees we need in any given situation, even on a tight schedule: it allows us to focus on our core competencies,” says Jyrki Ristinen, Logistics Manager, Medifon.
Lease our trained logistics professionals
We provide our employees with task-specific orientation and training in advance, which allows them to start working as soon as needed. We make sure that our employees work in an ergonomic and safe way and according to the Lean philosophy. This means increased efficiency of work for the customer and meaningful work for the employee. We invest in occupational safety, and our goal is to make sure that no one is injured in the course of their work.
Our experts often have multiple skills: they work in customer companies in a variety of tasks in different areas of in-house logistics, production processes and store logistics. Some of our employees are newcomers in the sector, while others have already acquired solid and long-term professional competence.
Starting cooperation with us is simple: You can either lease logistics employees or outsource work tasks and operations to us in whole or in part. The first step can be to lease employees on an hourly basis, and the next step could be to move to even less risky performance-based work.
A temporary worker’s perspective: Freedom of choice, flexibility and equal status alongside the permanent employees in the work community
Temporary staffing also provides the temporary worker with freedom of choice and the opportunity to try out many different jobs, from which they can choose what interests them the most. For many, temporary work is a stepping stone to working life, while for others, such as parents of small children or athletes, it can be a more permanent choice.
“As a temporary worker, I’ve had the opportunity to try out many different jobs and have found my own place in my career. There’s no distinction between us and permanent employees,” says Jennifer, who works in the warehouse of one of our customers.
“A motivated, competent and appreciated employee always does their best. Our entire logistics team’s goal is to serve our customers in such a way that, at the end of the day, everyone can go to sleep stress-free and in a good mood. Both the customer and the employee.”
It’s all about the attitude of our employees: What is promised is also delivered. We receive applications from and recruit people who have a good attitude and work motivation and who work with an unstinting commitment for the benefit of the customer. We are a fair and responsible employer and value all of our employees.
Interested? Contact our sales to discuss how we could help you in staffing