Efficiency and security with scalable staffing levels - avoid layoffs or redundancies

Many companies have too many employees or too little logistics space in downturns, and too few in volume peaks. There is little scalability. Logistics outsourcing brings flexibility: an employee pool provides security and flexibility to smooth out weekly volume fluctuations or seasonal peaks.

"In downturns, with fewer staff of their own, companies do not have to resort to layoffs or redundancies, but always have the right number of staff available. Starting a partnership with us is straightforward: logistics workers can either be hired or the tasks and functions can be outsourced to us in full or in part. The first step can be to buy temporary work on an hourly basis and the next step is to move to even less risky performance work."

Looking for 10-30% cost savings

Companies often focus on developing their core business and the skills of their employees. Logistics remains at the tail end of the spectrum. Transval brings logistics expertise and cost savings of around 10-30% to companies that outsource logistics to Transval. We have more than 25 years of experience in logistics work, making it more efficient and implementing outsourcing solutions. Our people are at the forefront of this. It matters with what skills, how and with what tools we do our work. And it matters in particular that they are motivated, valued and enjoy their work.

Eliminating waste and wastage

Many of Transval's nearly 5,000 employees are multi-skilled. This ensures that when there is a lull in one area or at one workstation, the worker is offered a job in a busier area. This way, staff don't stand idle. Or working overtime elsewhere. In our own training unit, we ensure that working practices are ergonomic, safe and work is done according to a lean approach. Everything unnecessary and wasteful is cut out. This results in a more productive work for the customer and a more meaningful work for the employee. For example, during the boom period, when some sectors went quiet, workers were moved to busier sectors to smooth out volume peaks. The savings for the customer were significant and the arrangement increased the motivation of the workers.

- A motivated, skilled and valued employee will always do his or her best. Our entire logistics team aims to serve our customers so that at the end of the day, they can go to bed stress-free and with a good feeling. For both customer and employee alike.

Make the decision to outsource logistics

  • Decide to make the change quickly enough, trust the facts and figures
  • Focus on your core business
  • Choose a reliable and competent logistics partner
  • Make and test the logistics cost structure and operating model together with your partner
  • Choose the level of logistics outsourcing that is right for your business
  • Buy warehouse space from a partner, reduce space costs, remove machinery and equipment from your balance sheet
  • Outsource logistics work, partly or fully
  • Outsource your own logistics workers to a partner. No need for redundancies and always the right amount of talent and skills for the situation and the moment.

Contact us. We are a reliable, experienced and industry leading logistics partner. Continuous development, industry leadership and #asenneratkaisee are our mottos. www.transval.fi

Transval helps move goods both large and small, whether it's shelving a packet of cereal in a store, loading pallets with trucks in terminals and warehouses, or tens of thousands of pounds of components in factories and manufacturing plants.